Thursday, August 4, 2011

Planning for the Unexpected

My uncle passed away yesterday. And while times like this are hard, they are made even harder when you're separated from family.

As readers of this site know, I get frustrated when the mass media claim that college students don't have to deal with "the real world." Students deal all the times with major life challenges and events, whether it be tight finances because of the economy or the unexpected passing of a relative.

So what can you do when the unexpected happens? Because, realistically, during your 4 or 5 years in school, the unexpected is going to happen. Before you head off to school this year, make sure you have the following in place:

  • Emergency phone numbers located somewhere other than your cell phone (consider an online contacts-management program or even something through your email).
  • A family member your parents and you can contact if you can't reach each other for some reason.
  • A plan on what to do if your cell phone gets lost or stolen.
  • Many schools offer an emergency website that people can go to if something happens. Make sure your parents -- and you -- have this URL accessible.
  • General knowledge of what resource you can use to get home (or somewhere else) if there's a family emergency.

RIP, Uncle Mort. You will be missed!

View the original article here

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