Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Congrats to Everyone Starting Classes!

This past weekend seemed to be one of the busiest move-in days for new college students. Many campuses are now bustling with activity as students adjust to their new surroundings and begin classes.

I wanted to take a quick moment -- and I hope you will, too -- to congratulate all the incoming students. Remember last year, when you were just starting the college application process? When you weren't sure where you'd go, much less where you'd get in? Well, here you are, living your new life as a college student. I hope you can take a moment to congratulate yourself on how far you've come over the past year and for prioritizing your education and your future. An education is a true privilege and, while it of course also requires a lot of hard work, it's great to see so many young adults investing in themselves. Congrats on beginning this new and amazing chapter in your lives ... and best wishes to each of you!

View the original article here

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