Thursday, August 4, 2011

Keeping in Touch with Your 'Rents in College

My parents are visiting this week, which is always a treat. I'm one of those lucky few who actually likes their parents (but don't tell 'em I said that). Coincidentally, I was asked earlier this week by a parent, whose son is about to head off to college, what she could do to make sure her son calls her during his time away.

Her question brought up an interesting dilemma: most parents want to hear from their kids a lot while they're away at school. And yet most students don't have the desire/time/need/energy to call their parents -- even if they're close to them, like I am with mine. So what can you do to make sure everyone stays happy?

While I have a longer article on this very topic, there are a few key rules to keep in mind:

  • Don't expect that you can go weeks, or even months, without talking to your parents. It's an unrealistic expectation and kinda mean, really.
  • It's also unrealistic for your parents to expect you to call every day or every other day.
  • Before you head to school this next semester, set some guidelines about keeping in touch. Agree to call, say, at least once a week. If you need to, set a day -- like Sunday -- when you'll call and check in. You can also agree not to let a certain amount of days pass (7? 10?) without touching base. No matter the specifics of your agreement, setting up realistic, manageable expectations now can definitely make things easier during the academic year.

View the original article here

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